Saturday, September 25, 2010

Top 10 useful iPhone 4 Tips

OK, so you've either got a shiny new iPhone 4 or you've upgraded your previous iDevice to iOS 4 and now you're trying to sort though it all. Well I thought I would share 10 random tips on the iPhone 4/iOS 4 that might not be so obvious or just to make your life just a little more fun. So here they are in no particular order and completely off the top of my head.

1. Put More Apps in the Dock

The iPhone has always been limited to only 4 Apps in the dock at once. The iPad takes it up to 6. However, now with iOS 4 and folders you could theoretically have up to 48 Apps in the dock for quick access. Granted I don't need 48, but I do need more than 4. So what I did was create a "Productivity" folder and I put it in the dock so that those 12 Apps are accessible to me no matter which Home screen I'm on.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Foursquare for iPhone v2.0 available

Foursquare this afternoon launched v2.0 of their iPhone app. It brings tips and todos to the forefront and adds new options for mapping them directly from the app.

The update moves tips and to-dos to the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen, making it easy to find nearby tips and to-dos with just one tap. You can search for tips from just your friends or from everyone. You can also see them on a map.

Your to-do list is now closely integrated with the changes made to to-dos on the website today. You can see your recent to-dos or your nearby ones, and they can be plotted on a map just like tips. Click here to read more >>

Friday, September 17, 2010

iPhone Jailbreak With JailbreakMe

To jailbreak an iPhone means to unlock the operating system of the device so that the user can install and use third party applications. Apple have strict operating systems installed on their devices that only allow the use of Apple approved applications and this has lead to a number of developers creating jailbreaking applications to give users back the freedom to use their devices anyway they choose. When you jailbreak your phone you can install and use third party applications without any restrictions.

When it comes to jailbreaking the iPhone you can now use a great application called JailbreakMe. You can even use this to jailbreak the iOS 4.0.1 on the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G.

The JailbreakMe 2.0 version works very similar to the Spirit jailbreak and it is very easy to use. All you have to do is open the Safari browser on your iOS device and follow the simple steps in this tutorial >>

5 iPhone Apps to Help Fight Poverty

Hectic lives, jam-packed schedules and the all-too-common feeling of powerlessness can keep us from doing what we can to make a difference — even if that difference is simply offering a donation.

Social media and the social good movement has revolutionized and re-energized fundraising, with mobile apps making it easier than ever before to do what you can to help others. And it can be surprisingly simple. Knowing that your ability to help others is but a tap away should be motivation enough for you to download these apps and start pitching in.

Here are five iPhone apps to help in the fight against poverty >>